What’s a BioSleeve?

BioSleeve by OpenMotion AI

OpenMotion AI has one hardware offering: the BioSleeve™. It’s a wireless on-body sensor for capturing real-time motion and biometrics. BioSleeves are available in arm sleeve and leg sleeve variations for different recovery and therapy needs.

How It Works  

Each BioSleeve looks and feels like the athletic compression sleeves you’re probably used to seeing, but the fabric is embedded with a flexible mesh of sensors. These sensors allow the sleeve to measure a customizable selection of biometrics (heart rate, blood oxygen saturation, temperature, and more) along with precise joint angle and 3D movement in space.

The sleeve transmits these measurements to the Kaleidoscope mobile app so you (and your healthcare provider) can visualize them in real time.

BioSleeves charge wirelessly with an induction charger. They’re comfortable, low-profile, and washable. Unlike other motion capture sensors, they have no wires or electrodes—so they’re easier to use and adaptable to more environments. 

Can I Try One?

Right now, BioSleeves are available through a small group of physical therapy and orthopedic providers. As OpenMotion AI expands, BioSleeves will be more widely and commercially available. Click here to join our mailing list and receive product updates.

To learn more about the role BioSleeves can play in transforming healthcare, read Revolutionizing Mobility Health: Combining Computer Vision and On-Body Sensors.


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