Introducing OpenMotion AI

Today, every one of us is drowning in data. We wear devices to track our step count, sleep quality, heart rate, blood oxygen, and more. We use apps to track our moods and our workouts. We have family medical histories and electronic medical records. Yet how many of us can say we understand our health, including our unique risk factors and likely outcomes? How many of us can say we even take the right data into account when considering our health?

The impact of our low-resolution understanding goes far beyond the individual. It keeps healthcare providers in a state of reacting to patient needs instead of predicting or preventing them. It bloats costs and worsens outcomes, two pressures our strained healthcare system can hardly stand. And it perpetuates value/outcome misalignment in medicine.

The good news is that tools and technologies that can address these problems are now within reach. Advancements in AI and motion capture provide access to an unprecedented amount of data—and a way to make sense of it.

As co-founders, we (Phillip Bogdanovich and Don Wei) saw the need and opportunity to bring these capabilities together into a solution that can flexibly ingest data from multiple devices and formats to power high-resolution health insights, predictive capabilities, and life-changing care. It’s called OpenMotion AI.

The Path to Predictive Healthcare

The key to prediction (in healthcare or anywhere else) is high-resolution, integrated data. If we can use all the data at our disposal to create an accurate model of what a person’s health looks like today, we can model what it might look like in five, ten, or twenty years—and identify what can be done to change that trajectory.

Of course, this is easier said than done. Prediction is the proverbial brass ring in medicine. At OpenMotion AI, we’re using our decades of expertise to build groundbreaking technology for motion capture, data integration, machine learning, and more. Inspired by our philosophy of high-resolution healthcare, here’s how we’re going to make predictive medicine possible:

  1. Integrate: Enable data integration by building a solution that can ingest, clean up, and standardize data—including motion data—from multiple devices and sources. Maintain the flexibility to accommodate each person’s unique mix of devices and data sources.

  2. Establish baselines: Develop models that turn this data into a high-resolution understanding of individual health, captured in a health score.

  3. Predict and prevent: Overlay individual data with population-level data. Use AI to understand how individual health scores change over time and based on different factors, validated by population data. Use these models to predict individual health outcomes, risks, and even trajectories.

  4. Zoom out: Make it possible for healthcare providers and payors to “zoom out” on the data to see population-level health scores and deepen their understanding of outcomes and risk factors. Enable true value-based care.

We’re so proud of what we’re building and excited to show the world. To be notified of product and company updates, subscribe to our newsletter.


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